October 30, 2008


I want to say...
my heart feels like this...

(flowers a friend got me yesterday)

...but today...
my heart feels like this...
(picture taken today of my back yard)
When a girl feels like this
what is she to do?

1 Chronicles 16:22 says
"Sing to the Lord, all the earth;
proclaim His salvation day after day."

Psalm 21:22 says,
"I will declare your name
to my brothers (& sisters),
in the congregation
I will praise you."

Psalm 20:7 says
"Some trust in chariots
and some in horses,
but we {I} will trust in the
name of the Lord."

Psalm 27:14 says
{I will} "Wait for the Lord;
{I will} be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord."

Psalm 31:14 says,
"But I trust in You, O Lord;
I say, 'You are my God.'"

Psalm 62:5 says
"Find rest, o my soul,
in God alone;
my Hope comes from Him.

No matter what my heart feels like, I have the choice to turn my thoughts back to God or to lie in my pit of despair. If Jesus died so my joy can be complete and so that I can learn to be content in all situations, then I want to live in that. However, there are days we have to CHOOSE life and joy over despair.

God has pulled us out of the miry clay; therefore, it is our job not to jump back in. God will continue to pull us out, but what is fun about jumping back into the pit where we came from? I'm tired of allowing my circumstances to determine whether or not I have joy.

It seems like the more posts I put on this blog, the more things come against me. That's because not only does God know my destiny, but the enemy is beginning to figure it out as well.

Well, I've lived long enough as a victim of theft from the enemy, and today, I CHOOSE to rejoice because THIS IS THE DAY that the Lord has made. And in the Name and blood of Jesus Christ, I stand!

As a closing note, in the above verses, I highlighted some words. Those are "Choice" words. They are "action" words. They are "fighting" words!

Be blessed today and don't let the enemy steal your joy or your destiny!"

Love ya, Heav


Edie said...

"And in the Name and blood of Jesus Christ, I stand!" Amen!

My heart looked a bit like that second picture today too. Ugh!

Kelly said...

Gracious - I think I will print this out and put it on my bathroom mirror and repeat it daily. Everyone needs to repeat this daily!! Thanks!

Debbie Giese said...

OK, girl, not sure what is going on for you, but the picture of the tree you posted gave me chills. I started reading "The Practice of His Presence" by Brother Lawrence last night. He gained his entire knowledge of the truth of God by looking at a tree in the winter. It says "His conversion, at 18, was the result of the mere sight on a midwinter day of a dry and leafless tree standing gaunt against the snow; it stirred deep thoughts within him of the change the coming spring would bring. From that moment on he grew and waxed strong in the knowledge and love and favor of God, endeavoring constantly, as he put it, 'to walk as in His presence.'" So, when you look at that tree in your yard, kind of sad and lonely, look at it with the promise it holds. Look at yourself with the promise you hold. Look to Your God with the promises He holds. Stand firm, Heaven, whatever is going on for you. Praying for you.

The Equipped Life said...

What a great word of purpose and encouragement ~ and the visual was so powerful. I appreciated this post.

Who am I Lord?

1 Chronicles 17:16 Then  King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: "Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you...