October 31, 2008

Don't run ahead

My desire was to marry him
and be his wife forever... I read a post by Lysa TerKeurst on Thursday called, "Has God ever hurt your feelings?". It totally broke my heart as I related to every word she wrote. I really recommend clicking on the link and reading it. If you have ever felt that God has disappointed you or let you down, this post will help. But then come back:)

Basically, when something goes wrong in life or we see good people "suffer", we always seek to find the answer. "Why God, why?"

What do we do when we don't see answers to our prayers? or when God tells us something that will come to pass in our lives, and years later, it still hasn't happened? Have you ever ran ahead of God to make something happen sooner, only to find yourself
flat on your face from tripping?

Reminds me of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 15:1-16:16 (then named Abram and Sarai). God told Abraham that he and Sarah were going to have a son to be an heir to their estates. O-kay, Moses is like ancient in years (he was very old), and Sarah was past child bearing years, but Abraham
believed what God promised.
Time passed and...well...no baby.
Sarah really wanted a baby and I think she got tired of waiting around for God to come through. Well, she talked to Abraham and convinced him to sleep with her maidservant, Hagar, so they could have a baby. Hagar did get pregnant, but suddenly she despised Sarah. Go figure! Isn't it amazing the attitudes that
creep in when we go outside of God's will???

Sarah then told Abraham, "Do something! You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering." Whereas, Abraham told her, "Hey, she's your servant, do with her whatever you think is best." Sarah mistreated Hagar, and Hagar left, now a soon-to-be single mother.

The outcome of their impatience and sin was Ishmael, Hagar's son. God comforted Hagar, but told her that, "Ishmael will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility
toward all his brothers."
Ouch!!! Didn't they have verses back then to say, "Hey, WAIT for God." (They really could have used some post-it notes!)

The story did eventually turn out well for Sarah and Abraham; however, because of their impatience and their desire to do things "their" way, they struggled before they had a baby of their own. On top of that, because they ran ahead of God, their actions also affected the life of a woman named Hagar, her son Ishmael,
and eventually, birthed generations of rebellious people.

Without going in-depth, I ran ahead of God to marry, whom I believed was, the man of my dreams. We created 2 beautiful children, and that, I do not regret!!! Our oldest came in 1996, and our youngest came in 2000, but we did not marry until 2004. To keep things simple (because I will not speak badly of him here), our divorce should be final in a couple of months.

So, back to Lysa's post, which I strongly encourage you to read, I have been stuck on the "Why God???" for so long that my heart breaks. Lysa said instead of saying "why", to say
"O-kay, now what?"

See, I believe God holds my future in His hands and NOTHING touches my life without a purpose. So since God knows my future and also my past, then I need to trust Him with my present, and say, "O-kay God, where are we headed now? What do you have in store for the boys and I now?"

God sees...He knows...cares...loves...cries with us...comforts...and holds our dreams in His hands...

So, Lord, I give back this desire to be his wife, because if this isn't the plan for my future, then you have something greater. Please let me hear your voice clear, so that I will not run ahead of you
again, and hurt so many people by rushing into
something never meant to be.
In Jesus' name, ~Amen

(*Note: marriage is sacred, and I, by no means, am saying, "Go divorce your spouse." There are issues that I will not disclose because he, too, is a child of God and only God can judge Him. Divorce is something I would NOT wish upon ANYONE, especially with children. It goes back to choices and doing God's will, because your choices do not affect only you,
no matter what you may think!)


Joan said...

I understand your broken heart for I have been there. It's so true that you can't stay stuck at WHY GOD and have to more forward to NOT WHAT? Fully rely on God and He will not forsake you. God forgives and heals. And he restores. I'm praying for you.

Greg C said...

Ok I went and I came back. I have had my feelings hurt a number of times and have been through what you are going through. I too have asked the question Why God? Why are you putting me through this? I finally realized that it isn't for me to ask. Like Lysa said in her blog, my life is so small compared to God's greatness and my little part of the plan is in itself more than I can comprehend. To try to understand the whole plan would boggle my mind so I quit trying. I simply follow the path that I am given and I have quit trying to blaze my own path. I pray that you will find peace in this difficult time.

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Excellent post. I have not been through what you are facing, but can relate to other hurts. You are not by any chance doing the Breaking Free Bible study. God is using many things to speak to me, and this BS has been one of them. I read some of your older posts, and it sounded just like parts of the study I have been going through. Repeated things keep coming up, so I know God is pointing some things out to me. Hang in there, for God only allows what is best for us. I keep reminding myself of this very important truth. Jackie

Kelly said...

I admire you for not speaking ugly of your estranged husband, because you have children.

Your words here are very wise. I am liking your blog. :-)

B His Girl said...


Lord I pray that you will keep Heaven close, that she would know a greater measure of your love for her. Help her as she walks in new places.

Susan said...

Praying for you. This is a fabulous post. I do think we can sometimes drown in the "why God?" and not move on the "what now?" And the good news is, He is in control. Thanks for visiting my blog. I've added you to my list of blogs to follow.



Edie said...

This is a great post GG. You have great insight and express it very well. I am also learning to ask "What Next" instead of why me, and I have handed all of my dreams and desires back to God too. Different than yours but a painful thing to do.

I ALSO wanted to come over here and APPLAUD you for your halloween comments. You said so much that my heart cries out to say about that. Amen, Amen, Amen!

Who am I Lord?

1 Chronicles 17:16 Then  King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: "Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you...