Over the years, these are some of the rules to the game of life that became inscribed in my heart :
1) You will never be picked first, 2) Always expect to be last, 3) No one wants you, 4) You're not good enough, 5) Do not make eye contact with people, 6) don't let "them" know they hurt you, 7) Unless you perform good enough, you won't make the "cut", 8) You will always be "second best", 9) You will never "measure up", 10) You are a "charity case" player that has nothing to offer.
I know how to play "that" game so well, that I have all of the rules memorized. In fact, my life has revolved around those rules for many years. The broken record of those rules have played millions of times in my mind to the point of etching grooves in my soul.
When I meet people who tell me things that go against my "rules of life", I have to force myself to believe them. Although I am not where I used to be, this continues to be an area of battle for me.
See, I had an encounter with the One called Jesus Christ, not as the One who saved me from hell, but as the One who says He wants to be my best friend. The One who also said He gave up His life for me.
Then there is His father, the One called God, the One who said He wants to be my perfect Father. The One who calls me daily to crawl up onto His lap so He can surround me with His arms and love on me. The One who said "I allowed my son to die for YOU."
Then there is the Holy Spirit, the One who said "I am your comforter. Anytime you need guidance or wisdom or comfort, come to me. I'm here WHENEVER you need me. I'll even give you my special language to use in battle that will knock out the forces of darkness in hell."
Whoa! That trio totally defies the "rules" I have played by all of my life.
My mind truly is a battlefield. See, those "rules" aren't truth. The Bible, God's holy word, is truth. So I have to constantly speak truth to the lies that Satan has planted throughout my life.
Tonight as the sun was setting, I looked outside and a beautiful image caught my eye.
I noticed the sun's rays shining down on one tree in the distance. Glancing around, I saw no other tree highlighted by the light, but I couldn't stop staring at it.
God gently whispered, "Just as I have picked this tree to shine my light on, so also have I picked you."
Did you know that God "picked you first"? He chose you and I before the foundation of this earth. He calls you by name. He planed your destiny. He knows your future. He knows everything about you and STILL chooses you.
That ministry lying before you...Yep, He's chosen YOU for that.
The child who screams "I hate you" when angry...Yep, He chose YOU to be that child's parent.
The task before you that seems impossible...Yep, He chose YOU for that too!
God will never call you to something He won't equip you for.
Ephesians 1:11 says, In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.
1 Peter 2:9 says, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
Just as the tree in the picture was chosen by the sun's rays, God has searched the earth for you and chosen YOU...this day...this moment...and for the task at hand...
In your own strength, we can do nothing. In His strength, we can do ALL things.
If you have ever (or are still playing) played by the rules of life listed above, I invite you to say this prayer with me.
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus, I renounce (change my mind about) these rules I have come to believe as truth in my life. I renounce the lie that says I am worthless and unwanted. I renounce the lie that says I am unimportant and not good enough. I renounce the lie that says I will never fulfill the future that you are asking me to walk in. I renounce the lie that says _____________.
I pray for forgiveness and ask you to take back any ground given to the enemy through those lies, and I yield that ground back to You. I do not want the devil to have a foothold in these areas any longer. Holy Spirit, I pray that You would fill those empty places up with You and with the truth of God. I thank you that I am chosen by God and that I have been bought with the blood of Christ. I pray that You would seal this work and cover it with the blood of Jesus Christ. In Jesus' precious name, Amen~
When a lie tries to reenter your thoughts, you have to speak truth to it. Out loud! Recite a Bible verse, that counteracts that lie. I deal with rejection issues, so anytime I feel rejected I recite the verse below.
Psalm 27:10 Though my father and mother forsake (reject) me, the Lord will receive me.
I usually say, "Though I feel as ______ has rejected me, I thank you Lord that you will always receive me."
Choose a verse, and then personalize it, and speak it OUTLOUD back to God.
If you are struggling finding a verse, please feel free to e-mail me: heavsparks@yahoo.com and put "scripture" in the subject line.
Tuesday, I will be posting "Blog Appreciation Week" . Click here to read about that and instructions on how to participate. Be blessed and have a wonderful Holiday weekend:)
You are soooo right on with this Heaven! Makes me just want to kick the face of the liar in with the Truth. Deliverance!!!
Amen & amen! OH my gosh - I don't have the exact same script as you do, but close enough. Never good enough. I relaly loved this post and you are right about God's love. So true.
Now, for that battlefield...I have a secret weapon. The armor of God. :-)
Thanks so much for stopping by and joining us for "Blogger Appreciation Week" I am looking forward to reading through your blog!
It is amazing to me how simple faith in the finished work on the cross conquers all of these "rules" you speak of. Jesus is so good, so worthy, so true and we are seated with Him! Great post!
This has been a really hard weekend, with the enemy throwing a lot in my face, making me question who do I think I am to lead certain ministries when there is so much wrong going on. Thank you for this post. My heart is breaking today, and I needed this reminder.
Hi Heaven, I made a couple of mistakes doing Mister Linky, so I need to ask a favor??? Could you stop back by Grace Talk AFTER you have posted your Blogger Appreciation Post, on your blog and sign in again with Mister Linky using the URL for that particular post. I think you can copy it right off of your URL address bar. This way all week people will directly connect to that post instead of just whatever is current on your page. Let me know if you have any questions. So SORRY :{ I'm new, still learning!
Thank you so much for that Word. God is so good and I'm grateful for His love everday.
I appreciate you!
That was awesome...Thanks
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