May 20, 2009

Ahhh...the edge of the nest

I have been listening to Joyce Meyer AGAIN over the past few days. That women and I have a "love/hate dislike" relationship. Oh, I just LOVE her to pieces, but I hate dislike the idea that her words "tweak" me soooooooo much.

In reality, I don't dislike her; I dislike the uncomfortable place on the edge in the nest of my comfort zone where her words nudge me. Ahhhh...but the end result is so liberating!

It is on the edge of the nest where we the platform of trust in our God is birthed and nurtured. It is also on the edge of the nest where we perch preparing for our flying lessons in life. It is there where we develop confidence that when we jump, our Heavenly Father will catch our fall, and not let us be destroyed if our wings aren't mature enough to make the complete journey. It is there where we (time and time again) depend on HIS instruction and direction to fly into the unknown.

I have read (and referenced) the story of Peter walking on the water in Matthew 14 many times. Yet this morning, God, once again, wants to use it to illustrate a point. The disciples see Jesus on the water. Jesus says "Don't be afraid. It is I". Peter says, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water."

Peter is on the "edge of nest", preparing to have his faith AND trust journey strengthened.

Jesus says in verse 29 "Come".

That's all He says.


If you are at the edge of the nest today, then your Heavenly Father is smiling at you, cheering you on with His love, holding out His arms to you, and saying "Come."

Just as Jesus caught Peter when he started to sink, so too will He catch you if your wings aren't quite strong enough for the flying lesson before you. But you never know how strong they are until you spread your wings and soar in the wind.


Tracy said...


I know what you mean about Joyce Meyer. She is so bold. I really connect with bold, straight forward people.

I'm so thankful for your blog. You have ministered to me so much. I don't always leave comments to say so, but I read every single post and walk away with something for myself.

Thank you for sharing your life like an open book. You freely give what you have received. With all that you have been through and learned/learning you share it with us so we can learn and grow as well.

It takes a humble and courageous person to put your life out there so transparently. You have a wonderful ministry with this blog. I pray that it continues to help and teach others.

Love you Heaven!

B His Girl said...



Paulette said...

Sometimes I think Joyce Meyer lives in my head. I have so much in common with her. I would love to meet her. She's going to be in Columbus next weekend and I have to work.

Great post again....... I love your blog.

My ADHD Me said...

As usual...your words were speaking to me.

Who am I Lord?

1 Chronicles 17:16 Then  King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: "Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you...