June 27, 2009

Busy girl...


...is common...


...in my life...

...and I wonder...

...if those things I am staying busy with...

...are important...


...thoughts to ponder...

...as I remain busy...

...for a couple more days...

...If I haven't been by...

...your blog lately...

...or sent you an e-mail...

...or made a phone call to you...

...or commented on your Facebook page...

...or sent you a thoughtful text message...

...or twittered as often as I normally do...

...or wrote a wonderful blog post...

...then maybe, just maybe, I might...

...actually be finally getting...

...my priorities straight...

...by spending time with my kids...

...doing my job...

...getting caught up on household projects...

...both inside and outside...

...and I might just be getting my wall painted...

...and spending time in my Bible...

...and baking for my family...

...and doing water aerobics...

...and losing 5 pounds (cool, huh?)...

...and keeping a food diary...

...and spending time visiting friends...

...in person, instead of just on the phone...

...or on the computer...

I feel like I am letting my "online" friends down by not keeping in touch recently; however, I think I am strengthening my IRL (In Real Life) relationships by spending more time in person, and less in front of the computer screen:)


...as I wonder if those things taking...

...up my time right now...

...are important...


...I would have to say...


And did you read the "5 pounds lost"???

Woot! Woot!


Amanda said...

Yeah you!!! I LOVE what you listed as what you want your priorities to be...and what you are doing to attain that goal!!


God bless-

Edie said...

Girl I SO understand! I'm right with you in getting and keeping the priorities straight. You aren't letting us down. We all need to keep the priorities straight.

Kudos to you for losing 5 lbs! I'm working on that too. Not as successful as you... yet. :)

Enjoy the life God has you in. Much love!

Tracy said...

way to go!

B His Girl said...

Great job on the -5. I am blogging less too. Oh...my time is up: ) Keep your focus. You are wise! Blessing from a busy B!

Sharon said...

:) I think most of us are really busy this time of year. Enjoying life outside this little box is so much more important than commenting, ya know? Keep on enjoying each day as richly as you can dear. Everyone will still be around when life slows down on your end :)

the story of us said...

WOOT! WOOT! so proud of you for the 5 pounds! and proud of you "pulling back" from "computer life" and focusing on REAL life - it's a struggle i face too! :)

Daveda said...

Relationships are most important! God has the perfect relationship within Himself, and He invites us to journey with Him. Being loved by Him, and in return, loving others!

christy rose said...

Congrats on the five pounds! Five pounds is so great! I need a couple of times losing that! haha

Anonymous said...

I love your poem. I loved your letter to God on your other blog even more. Take each day one step at a time. You know the goal. You aren't supposed to know about next week. Only today and the challenges that fill it. You'll be ready for next week or 5 years 3 days when the day comes. Just listen to God today. That's all we have to do:) Be blessed!

Who am I Lord?

1 Chronicles 17:16 Then  King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: "Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you...