March 28, 2010

Heaven is Patient???

I have spent much time in the last week praying God's Word back to Him in intercession for the people I love. Through that, I realized this: God wants to and CAN change them, but most of all, He longs to change ME!

I get irritated sometimes.
I am short tempered at times.
I worry too much.
I doubt.
I avoid my issues.
Sometimes I'm rude.

BUT...I long to be everything God wants me to be!

So, today, I invite you to not only pray for others in your life, as well as the situations that only God can fix, but also for God to change you!

I took 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and started praying it daily, putting my name in place of the word Love. Then I do the same thing for my children and other people I am praying for. So, here is a practical way to pray these verses back to God.

[Heaven] is patient.
[Heaven] is kind.
[Heaven] does not envy.
[Heaven] does not boast.
[Heaven] is not proud.
[Heaven] is not rude.
[Heaven] is not self-seeking.
[Heaven] is not easily angered.
[Heaven] keeps no records of wrongs.
[Heaven] does not delight in evil,
but [Heaven] rejoices in the Truth!
[Heaven] always protects.
[Heaven] always trusts.
[Heaven] always hopes.
[Heaven] always perseveres.

God loves it when we pray His Word back to Him because we pray His Will. He loves to answer prayers that are prayed according to His Will. Try it. Watch God start softening your heart, as well as your family member's hearts. God's word does not return void!


Tracy said...

fo sho

Laura said...

Good word! It's a great reminder. Sometimes it's hard to pray for ourselves and look into our own lives, but it is very much needed!

Who am I Lord?

1 Chronicles 17:16 Then  King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: "Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you...