March 11, 2010

Feeling alone in the desert???


(Image from web)
So alone?

Like you simply may fall at any moment?

Like you may lose your foothold with one step?

Like every dream you blowing away?

There are different things people are going through right now, but I am finding that people are lonely...for different reasons. Maybe you have lost someone dear to you, either in death or separation. Maybe you are in ministry and you are dealing with something that you can only go to God with. Maybe you have broken-up with someone you love. Maybe you are just-plain-lonely...even in a room full of people.

In my journey, I am lonely for a different reason. All of my life, I have run to people with every problem and every circumstance BEFORE and (in some cases) INSTEAD of God. I have found my comfort in people's words and their just simply "talking" about it...

This has left me listening to the advice of other people...
often leading me to follow their well-meaning advice...
Which has caused me to seek people rather than God...

I'm not saying it's good to isolate yourself, trust me, I've been there enough too, but for me, right now, I am on a journey of hearing God's voice. Because He is my Shepherd, and I am His sheep, I hear His voice. I used to run to the "wise" people or people with a prophetic gifting for the answer...not the confirmation! There is a huge difference!

I NEEDED them to tell me what to do, because I was sooooooooo convinced if they told me what to do, then all would be good. Many times, I went with their voice rather than the soft, still nudging of the Spirit of God within me, because "they" could hear God better than I!!! What I am finding to be truth is this: "The same Spirit that lives inside of them...lives inside of me!"

Again, I'm not saying that confirmation isn't needed, but if you constantly run to other people for the ANSWER, you may miss out on what GOD wants to tell you!!! True story:) So, if you need confirmation, go AFTER you have spoken to God...

What I am also finding in this lonely new journey is that by the time I've poured my heart out to God, either in prayer or in my journal, I don't need to run to people, because He's either already answered me or comforted me. I still occasionally go to people, but not with EVERYthing that I used to. I know some of the closest people to me feel "left out of the loop" right now, because I'm not calling them every 5 minutes everyday with my concerns, complaints, and moaning and groaning. I'm sorry for that...but I'm not sorry for the journey I am on with God...

In the desert, I find my God...
walking hand in hand with me...
He hears my every cry and plea...
Oh, what a wonderful place to be...

I run to the cross
and there I find...
Him waiting for me...
wanting to touch my heart and mind.

He holds me tight...
He takes my load...
He restores my hope...
on this long and winding road...

I'm not afraid...
to walk alone...
as long as HE'S there...
to meet me at the throne!!!


If you are feeling lonely, call out to Jesus! He truly does satisfy your deepest longings and desires, but most of all, His Spirit comforts more than anything OR ANYONE here on earth ever can. He has created, in us, a place where only He can fill, and that's why we are left feeling lonely when we try to fill that place in our heart with anything other than HIM!

Jesus~Please be near to all who read this today! Meet them right where they are at as they cry out to you. You hold every one of our tears...You can take every one of our fears...and give us YOUR comfort and peace in return. I thank YOU for YOUR amazing love that You cover us in, especially when we don't feel like we deserve it. Thank You, Lord, for hearing the cries of those reaching out to You right now. Show them Your tangible love as You have shown me...Amen~

I will NEVER leave you, nor forsake you!
Hebrews 13:5

My soul finds rest in God alone;
my salvation comes from him.
Psalm 62:1

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from him
Psalm 62:5

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28


Mc Allen said...

very beautiful. I have been there. Just recently, I went through such a vally. I had to learn that I am the rightousness of Christ~ and what true Grace looks like. What a journey and although I wouldnt ever wish to go back, Im thankful for the lessons... xoxo LA

The Rigelsky Family said...

Love you girl.

Ronel said...


Shalom said...


Leaon Mary said...

WE ARE SO ON the same page Heaven.
And I definitely get to feeling alone sometimes and feel like I need to run to people instead of God first.

Loved your insights today girl.

Who am I Lord?

1 Chronicles 17:16 Then  King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: "Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you...