February 10, 2009

Storms and faith...

God is good...He is great...He is amazing...He rocks!

It's amazing the things that people, even as Christians, have to go through. I think sometimes, we decide that because we follow Christ, we are exempt from trials and struggles. We think if we pray enough, read our Bible enough, fast enough, be a "good enough" Christian, and seek enough, that our lives will be "easy breezy". Well, I tend to think that sometimes at least.

This week, as I've listened to Christian radio programs, I've heard 3 or 4 programs on trials and faith that really spoke to me. Not the kind of faith knowing the sun will come up every day, but the heart-wrenching, "my world feels like it's falling apart" kind of faith.

The kind of faith that when a storm hits your life, you cling onto for dear life for fear of being swept away by the ferocious and raging winds.

The kind of faith that you depend on the finances of heaven because you can't pay your mortgage, or you lose your "stable" job, and can't pay the thousands of dollars in hospital bills when illness and disease smashes against your family's health.

The kind of faith that causes you to crawl up, like a small, scared child, on the lap of your Heavenly Father because you just found out that you or your child has been diagnosed with cancer or a terminal illness.

The kind of faith that brings you to your knees when God tells you to take off your wedding ring because your marriage will never be restored.

"God, what if I become a 'better' person? Then, will you remove or fix this storm?"

One of the speakers I heard this week said, "For every person that gets cancer, God will also allow a Christian to get cancer, so that the world can see the difference of going through cancer with God, and going through cancer without God." It made me really think. God doesn't cause bad things to happen, but He does allow them because He's still in control, and His plans for our lives are much bigger than what we can ever comprehend!"

As I went through my life experiences, I found comfort in the "why's", and became aware of the striving I do to be a "better" person in hopes to "escape" some of the storms in my life.

What if God chooses not to ever take my child's emotional issues from him? Will I still trust God for his future?

What if God never, ever allows me to re-marry my ex-husband, or never provides me with another husband? Will I still trust God to be my companion, provide for me, and still choose to find joy in the midst of it?

What if God never ___(your dream here)___? Will you still call him Lord? Will you still allow Him to direct your steps? Will you follow even though you may never get the answers to the "why's"? Will you trust that He knows the plan for your future, and that it is filled with hope, not harm? Will you bow and say, "Yes, Lord", even though your heart wants to stand and scream, "wwwhhhhyyyyyy?"

In Matthew 14:22-33, Jesus is walking on the water and the disciples think He is a ghost. This is what Jesus says:
27But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

28"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."

29"Come," he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"

31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

32And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.

Notice that the wind was blowing when Jesus asked Peter to walk on the water. While Peter was on the water, the wind was still blowing. While Peter became afraid and began to sink, the Lord reached out his hand and caught him, YET the wind was still blowing. Did you notice that it must have been a ferocious wind for Peter to become afraid? Yet, did you notice that the wind continued to rage even once Peter was in Jesus' grasp? Did you notice that Jesus didn't "freak" out at all during that episode? He wasn't even surprised that Peter would begin to sink because He was IMMEDIATELY ready to catch Peter.

God is ready to catch you too as the (or when the) storms rage around you. God doesn't always take our storms from us, but He does reach out and surround us during them. For every non-believer that suffers through something in life, so also, will a Christian suffer in that same thing, so that Christ's comfort and peace can radiate rays of light to the world around us.

The next time a "storm" rages in your life, I pray you will be more willing to say, "Yes Lord, here I am, use me."

Jeremiah 29:11-12 (New International Version)

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me, and you will come and pray to me, and I will listen to you."


Kelly said...

I believe, help me in my unbelief. Like Peter I'm faithful enough to get out of the boat, but faithless enough to start sinking. :-)

So thankful that Jesus is always there to lift me up!

Tracy said...

This has been on my heart lately in connection with evangelism. Many preach a gospel that leads us to think that life will be wonderful and trial free when you become a Christian. (Look at the hardships the disciples endured in the bible.) It's just not true. The difference is that we have a God that will walk through the trials and hardships with us. He helps us as we receive the help from Him. God allows the rain to fall on the righteous and unrighteous. I will be posting something along these lines on my blog after more prayer.

Tracy said...

'It's just not true' is supposed to be before what's written in parentheses.

Edie said...

Excellent thoughts Heaven. This is what faith is made of, this is what prooves our faith, that we will continue to say "Yes Lord" even during the storms.

RefreshMom said...

Really good thoughts. It is our nature to ask "If I get this will the 'lesson' end?" isn't it? I try not to do that, but I will admit I'm not great at embracing the storms. Something to keep working on...

And thanks for stopping by RefreshMoments; it's always nice to "see" you.

Lindsey @ A New Life said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!! I am just now experiencing what you described... "The next time a "storm" rages in your life, I pray you will be more willing to say, "Yes Lord, here I am, use me."

I decided earlier this year that I would take whatever God handed me joyfully. And it has really been handed to me...complete with a whole lot of rain and storms and uncertainty of the outcome!! But I have for the first time in my young walk with God complete peace that whatever happens is His will, and I am going to do my best to show how He will move in our lives even during this time of turmoil!!


B His Girl said...

Trusting God in the storm. I pray that I always fight the good fight of faith. Jesus never took His eyes off Peter. Not once. I'm sure of it. How far could we walk and in what conditions if we lock eyes with Him? B

Sharon said...

The Lord knows what trials our family has been facing for the past couple of years, almost non stop. Will I stop believing that He can get us through anything we face? Never! I'll always hold onto my faith in God, no matter what.

Great post!

Meredith said...

That's good!!! :)

betty said...

I so totally agree with what you said, Heaven, and I was just telling my husband today that no matter if everything gets wiped out, its still okay because the Lord is awesome and in control. thanks for sharing your heart with us :)


RobCarey said...

Yes. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. Just found your blog and happy you are shining your light out here. God IS good, so good, and he has proven it over and over.

Who am I Lord?

1 Chronicles 17:16 Then  King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: "Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you...