December 8, 2009



  1. An act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction.

  2. A military offensive that penetrates an enemy's lines of defense.

  3. A major achievement or success that permits further progress, as in technology.

Oooooohhhhh!!!! Check out the definition of "breakthrough"! Does it make you want it? Does it cause a passion to rise up in you? Does it make you wonder if there REALLY is more to this life than just living and dying? Does it make you crave it? Does it make you want to know if it's possible for you? Does it cause something to stir in the deepest part of your heart and soul?

If it does, I encourage you to hang out with me on this journey, because I am THERE! I KNOW it's possible for YOU to be here with me! I KNOW I'm going "forward" in life and will take anyone with me willing to follow! You can take it at your own speed...step by step, sometimes inch by inch...but I can tell you that if you do, God will "show up" in your life MORE than you can EVER dream or imagine!!!

I want to teach you, show you, encourage you, offer you hope, and be YOUR cheerleader as you walk with me. Often when I "get somewhere" in life, I don't remember how I got there, I just know I did. This time, through God's amazing, amazing working, I see the steps of HOW I got here. As God leads, I will share with you these nuggets of truth, as well as my real life experiences to back it up. I pray that God will lead the people here that need to be here. I pray that He opens up the eyes and the ears of those who have been lied to by this world that "THIS IS ALL LIFE OFFERS".

Hmmm...SO NOT TRUE! Jesus Christ came so that we could have LIFE & LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY!!! For the first time in my life, I AM BEGINNING TO LIVE IN THAT- in my heart, soul, mind, and spirit!

So today, STEP 1- You have to choose...Do you want to come along for the ride? Do you want to go where God is taking me? Do you want breakthrough? Do you want to know if there is more to this life? Do you want to live life MORE abundantly and more joyfully? Do you want to start making a difference in the lives around you? Do you want to be FREE of the baggage holding you back? Then, take my hand and let's go!

Think about it. If you need to come back at a later time, I'll still be here. But I need to let you know now, that I AM going forward at however fast or slow God takes me. God is the engine and the fuel that drives this train, I am simply hanging onto Him. Sometimes I'll be at the front of the train, sometimes I'll be in the middle, and sometimes I will even be at the rear holding the hand of the one who can't do it alone! It is my goal to take your hand, link you up with the Heavenly Captain, and show you how to embrace HIS hand on your own. It is my goal to learn from you as well! I DO KNOW I am experiencing breakthrough after breakthrough and I WANT YOU TO EXPERIENCE THE FREEDOM AND PASSION AND JOY that I feel!

I want to SHOUT it from the rooftops that YOU CAN BE FREE! My heart has been held captive for sooooooooooo long, and it's not anymore! is a choice...

Do you want to go forward and take possession of "every good and perfect gift" that God wants to offer you? For today...this simply have to choose:)

Love ya all and I'll be back tomorrow:)

1 comment:

Leaon Mary said...

I'm grabbin that word: BREAKTHROUGH today. I know it is no accident I am reading here today.
Have a wonderful day!!!
Holykisses xoxo

Who am I Lord?

1 Chronicles 17:16 Then  King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: "Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you...