July 5, 2009

Freedom and guilt...

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Stand FIRM, then, and do NOT
let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

Galatians 5:1

There are times in our lives when our past mistakes come up to "nip" us in the rear, natural consequences arise (whether immediately or hauntingly, even years later!) that remind us of the person we used to be. Along with the mistakes we have made, comes guilt, shame, and condemnation. Long after other people have forgotten and have "let go", we tend to still re-play those scenarios over and over, not forgiving ourselves.

EVEN since I have become a follower of Christ, I have made HUGE mistakes. Made the wrong choices, said harsh or untrue words, had impure motives, etc. We are a "work-in-progress", hopefully being renewed day by day...

With yesterday being the celebration of Independence for our nation, "freedom" rings throughout the hearts and minds of this country. I woke Saturday with a song of freedom in my heart, only to be bombarded with thoughts of self-condemnation within minutes of being awake.

The past few days have been unsettling for me...

An incident from my (Pre-Christ) past rattled my world...

But God didn't move once...

This was NOT on my schedule or planner!

But the timing was God's...

I am NOT strong enough to deal with it...

But God's strength is perfect...

I feel guilty, condemned, and shameful...

But God says "You left that life of sin..."

I feel alone even with others around...

But God says, "I will never leave you or forsake you!"

I am scared of the outcome, either way it goes...

But God says, "Do not be afraid, for I am with you."

I look in the mirror, and say, "I am horrible!"

God speaks back, and says, "You are forgiven."

I say, "But God, I feel so guilty..."

God says, "My Son shed blood for your guilt!"

I say, "I feel so exposed."

God says, "You will radiate for my Kingdom."

So, today, I refuse to get ensnared again in the guilt of the mistake I made years ago, when my life was full of everything else, BUT God.

I was forgiven years ago... and natural consequences do not cancel out God's forgiveness. By grasping back onto the guilt God freed me of years ago, I am saying, "the crucifixion and the spilling out of Jesus' blood for my sins and my guilt was not good enough!"

So, today, I go forward IN the grace of God that He has provided for THIS day! I will NOT be anxious for anything, but in everything, I will give thanks to the One who has not promised me an easy life, but promised He would hold me tight through it...

Celebrate freedom not only for your country, but also for the prison doors God has unlocked in hearts of His people. He has come to set the captives free!

When you ask for forgiveness, God is FAITHFUL and JUST and will forgive Your sins, as far as the east is from the west!

Accept God's forgiveness and forgive yourself for the times in your life where you "messed up". God's not keeping track...

so why are you???

I am reminded of a song I wrote. I first posted it in this blog post, and also around this post, but am using the words again today...

My Song
(c) 2003 Heaven Sparks

I turned the corner of my heart, I met him once again. He was haunting me and taunting me with the sins from my past. He said, "You'll never be forgiven, and you will never change. This stronghold you will never break, you are bound by your mistakes."

I fell on my knees, I hung my head in shame. Overwhelmed with condemnation, my heart buried in pain. When suddenly, God spoke to me and set me on my feet. He said, "You are not a prisoner, the Truth has set you free. You're not the same, not the same as you used to be."

I have touched Him
I have seen Him,
heard Him
whispering my name.
I'm not the same,
Not the same
as I used to be.

I said, "I'm a new creation, an heir to His throne. God is my Redeemer and He's claimed me as His own. Satan, get behind me in the name of Jesus Christ! I have been forgiven, my Savior's paid the price.

I'm not the same,
not the same
as I used

to be...


AManda said...

Yeah God!! This post just amkes me want to Praise our Heavenly Father and worship Him and be so thankful for all He does (did!) for us!

You are good to see Him so clearly in your trial!

God bless-

Debbie G said...

Praying for you already, calling you soon. Stand firm.

Karen Hossink said...

How many times have I recalled my failures and foul-ups???
I understand you, friend. So thankful we have a Friend who forgives!

Kelly said...

Why do we keep calling up the past? The devil tells us we aren't forgiven. Praise God that we are. (The devil is a liar!)


Ronel said...

What a great reminder for me... I too, struggle with guilt from the past yet I know the TRUTH and know I am FORGIVEN!!

Amazing and beautiful!!

Who am I Lord?

1 Chronicles 17:16 Then  King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: "Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you...